How India can improve quality of education in schools


25 per cent of Indian population is in the age of attending school and college. It makes it quintessential to have good quality of education available for everyone. Here are some suggestions.

The importance of right ecosystem

There already have been many initiatives to make education available for all. Now, the next stage is to ensure that these enrolled students remain the same way. They need to become empowered and productive citizens to take part in nation-building.

To achieve this level, we will need to enable an ecosystem which comprises school premises along enticing facilities for students, teachers with passion for their work, and pedagogy to transition from rote learning to concept building. In last one decade, technology has improved exponentially. We’ve got Youtube, Zoom, SmartBoards, iPad, plethora of online learning apps. Still, school can never be replaced. That’s why as a society, it’s necessary to invest in our schools, so that the next generation is not deprived of quality education.

Three measures to enable the right ecosystem

Well maintained infrastructure

A good school building with spacious classrooms is not enough, its maintenance is of equal importance so that students consistently like the environment. They should feel like coming to it every day to learn new things.

Spacious classrooms with all required furniture, board, electrical fittings, clean toilets, drinking water, play areas, and working labs are must have in a school. These facilities will attract students towards the classroom, and when they wake up in the morning, they’d be excited to go the school. Maintenance of these facilities is also critical.

Teachers’ quality and their pedagogy

Teachers play the key role in ensuring that students get the requisite lessons to keep their minds hungry for knowledge.

Research shows that it depends on the teacher whether or not the student will take interest in the class. It depends quietly on the way of teaching and quality too.

The challenge is to improve the quality of teaching. This can be overcome by properly training teachers and helping them with modern teaching aids, tools and methodologies. Smart classrooms and digital course content should be used, even teachers find these interesting.
Moreover, it can encourage more people to take teaching as a profession. It can fill the vacancy of seats. Teaching and learning both should be fun and interactive.

Inclusion of extra-curricular activities

Extra-curricular activities also play a key role in developing interest in a kid’s heart for school. It is an essential part of a youngster’s life. There should be sports facilities available in the schools and other activities such as theater, singing, dancing should be accessible too.

All the facilities for such activities should be readily available for the students so that they can explore themselves and their interests better. Consequently, this contributes to building a student’ life skills and personality. School should cater much beyond than theoretical subjects. Research has proven that extra-curricular activities develop children brain, that why a balanced approach between classroom teaching and outdoor activities must be given priority.

Does India have such an ecosystem in the schools?

Yes, but only a few schools in India enjoy this luxury. These include some of the major private schools across major cities and some residential schools. Mostly, students in major cities enjoy this perk. Some governments like Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in Delhi claim to have improved the city’s school and reformed the education in the city. We hope more governments across the world will give education a top priority.

It’s valid to say that vast majority of children are deprived of such an ecosystem in their school. They don’t have access to such facilities and quality of education.

We badly need to bring things in order and that’s why we need more of initiatives like Sarva Shikhsa Abhiyan. The gaps caused by economic factors should be taken care of. Improving education quality is the need of the hour for India.