School Related Anxiety and Its Causes


A child’s life is not any easier than ours. School-related stress is a common occurrence now. Students experience it the most toward the back-to-school time, but it is not surprising if it lasts longer. But what are the causes of these stress and anxiety? We can broadly categorize them into personal, academic and social causes. Here’s a better look at each type of them. 

Personal Factors

Lack of Sleep

As a consequence of overscheduling, students often tend to compromise their sleep to complete all activities in a day. But lack of sleep can cause poor cognitive functioning, poor coordination, mood swings, and some negative personality traits.

Improper Diet

In the era of abundant fast food, students tend to ignore the good food because of the time constraints. A modern child has a diet loaded with sugar and less nutritious components. Lack of energy can cause mood swings. 

Lack of Emotional Intelligence

As children grow, they experience new emotions and do not know how to handle those. As a result, they are most anxious, become touchy, and are easily agitated. To help with this parents should talk to their child from time to time and keep a tab on their emotions.

Academic Factors


In the hopes making our kid the best at everything we often tend to get them overscheduled, as a result, they are overworked. With too many extra-curricular activities and extra classes, the child gets less and less personal time.

Too Hard Subjects

The new generation is extremely competitive pushing kids above and beyond to excel at academics. The subjects are hard and advanced from previous generations. It can be overwhelming for students.

Subjects That’s Too Easy

It can be frustrating for students to learn something they have already learnt or is too easy for them. Their interest is lost and as a result, it leads to poor performance. 

Test Anxiety

No matter how much prepared you are for a test, it is only human to experience anxiety before tests. However, if the anxiety is overpowering then it can hinder performance on exams. Managing test anxiety can improve scores.

Social Factors

These have to pertain to the social life of your child. Some kids may be anxious in social situations encountered in school. These can be a hurdle to personal growth and thus be handled with care. 


A teacher can leave an everlasting impression on a child. Every child likes a unique style of teaching and the classroom. A mismatch between these can create negative feelings in a child’s heart.


For most students, friends are the most fun part about school. But for some, they can be a source of stress too. Problems may range from less number of friends, being friends with a different class student, interpersonal problems etc. The most common is peer pressure.


While the schools have taken anti-bullying measures and improved the measures to deal with them, bullying has gone online. Cyberbullying has gotten very aggressive and too often you would not even know about it. It’s harder to deal with because of the anonymity of bullies. Parents should be aware of cyber-bullying prevention methods or counters. 

Now once you know the reasons, it will help you better count the anxiety issues faced by the children.