Primary Education: Classroom Teaching Getting Modern

Education is all about creativity. Have a look at how some minor classroom developments are transforming the primary education landscape for better.

  1. Flexible seats

The days are gone when primary school children had to sit in desks organized in neat rows. The classroom of today, has flexible seating with options such as bean bags, mini sofas, mats and rugs, as well as chairs collaborated with tables.

Benefits: This seating arrangement allows children to sit at a place where they are comfortable. The students gain an increase in communication and concentration, plus a better sense of community.


  1. Learning by Playing

The playtime has decreased tremendously over the last decade. Lack of play can lead to negative consequences such as anxiety, depression, feeling of loneliness etc.

Benefits: Educators understand the importance of self-directed or free play, both inside the classroom and outside. It’s important in instilling creativity, problem solving skills, improving social skills and self-confidence. And after all, play is the young child’s work.

  1. Learning to fail

In today’s world, resilience has become one of the quintessential skills in the 21st century. Children need to learn that making mistakes is the part of cognitive development and that being smart is not a trait but a perpetual process.

Benefits: Every mistake is a lesson in itself and helps brain evolve. Children need to be praised for their efforts and struggles, as well as their achievements. Teaching children to fail leads to success.

  1. Fast does not mean best

Mathematics in primary schools is changing. The time is no more when quick solutions were preferred. Deep thinking is in demand. Ineffective speed-driven classroom practices, such as timed tests, are being replaced with methods that teach students to look for patterns, understand the connections and share the thought process. Everything is taught by interactive activities rather than rote learning.

Benefits: In activities, the focus is not on finding the correct answer but on looking for all the possible methods of finding the answer. As a result, the class becomes interesting and engaging for the children.

  1. Morning Assembly

Developing social and emotional skills has been the motive of primary school teaching. It has become more important than ever. Many educators believe that the fast paced lifestyle has caused primary students undue stress that results in anxiety. The morning meeting is an effective way to fight with stress and support healthy development.

Benefits:  In a morning assembly the students sit in a circle and talk to each other, have fun, and they connect with each other. It also fulfills the need of a student for belongingness.

  1. Makerspaces

It is an environment where children can tinker, invent and build. A Makerspace has elements of a science lab, woodworking shops and art rooms.

Benefits: Provides students with hands-on opportunities to design, create, experiment, and construct, the space is collaborative, creative learning environments holds infinite possibilities.