6 After-school study habits that will guarantee academic success

The time has come when the annual result of most of the classes are announced. We expect that your little angel might have come out with flying colors or even bagged a position in his class. Whichever is the case, studies show that when parents take keen interest in child’s after-school study time then their children score higher, feel responsible and instill self-study habits for holistic improvement.

We are believers of the fact that grades and scores are not the only determinants of happiness and success in life. Though, having good grades definitely makes it easy for your child to get success and assist him do well in life. Parents need to come into the play while balancing their expectations, you don’t want to pressurize them nor you want to leave them on their own. Remember, every child is unique and has his own way of doing things.


Here are the things you can do to help your child.

1. Fix study time

Specifying a fixed time slot to study every day helps children build a habit of studying. Eventually, your child will get into auto-pilot mode and he will no longer need to be told to study. He will just pick his books and start studying on his own at that time.

2. Fix the study place

Just like fixing a time to study, fix a place to study. Choose a place that has the least distractions and your child can study without any disturbances. Invest in a comfortable chair and study table. Organize their books and stationery in their reach. The room should be well lit, clean and tidy. Not to mention that when your child will sit on the table he will get the vibes to study.

3. Inspire and Watch

Not only motivate your child to study hard rather help him be inspired. Appreciate their little wins and monitor how well he is doing at homework and tests and revision at school. Cross checking stuff at the end of the day will make your child feel responsible of his actions.

4. Reward by reviewing

Let’s not make studies all too boring. You can engage your child into studying by maintain a calendar where they can write what they did during different time slots, every day. It will make it easier for you to look at his work and also reward them with stars or delicacies to further motivate him.

5. Beyond text-books

Textbooks and homework assignments are definitely important but they don’t give your child the bigger picture. You must get your child into extra-curricular activities, find out what engages him and develop his skills, whether it is sports or music.

6. Areas with problem

First step towards getting better is to identify mistakes. You should ask your child for problem areas and help him fix the problem. Take guidance from teacher and spare some time daily for him.

These tips work best when you put in your heart into helping your child even when you have work or other stuff to do.


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